Published on Monday, December 04, 2023

The winter season here in Iowa brings freezing temperatures, so winterizing your irrigation system is crucial for preparing it. However, numerous issues can come with skipping this essential task. For example, the water in your pipes and sprinkler heads can freeze over, causing them to crack and burst. As a result, it'll damage your irrigation system, and you'll be left with costly repairs come spring, delaying the time it takes to get it up and running to hydrate your...
Published on Friday, May 19, 2023

As the cool weather starts to roll around here in Iowa, your grass prepares to enter winter dormancy. There
are a few maintenance tasks you'll want to get done before the winter weather arrives to ensure it has
everything it needs to survive the season and into the spring. First, cut your grass a little shorter the last two
times of the year so that fungus and diseases have less of a chance to infect it during the winter. Leaves and
debris can suffocate your...
Published on Saturday, February 26, 2022

It's true that most plants go into dormancy throughout the winter, but for anyone who wants to continue enjoying beautiful color in their landscape beds, winter plants can bring a ray of hope! There are many plants that can withstand cold temperatures and will thrive in the winter season. Here in Iowa, our snowy season is the perfect time to consider installing plants like winterberry, Christmas rose, witch hazel, and snowdrop. These 4 plants will liven up your landscape with a...
Published on Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Here in Des Moines, IA winter means months of freezing temperatures. If you own a property that features an outdoor fountain, this is when your fountain will be most vulnerable as exposing outdoor fountains to freezing temperatures can result in damage and costly repairs.
However, you can prevent freezing weather from damaging your outdoor fountain by winterizing it ahead of time. Outdoor fountain winterization consists of draining your fountain, cleaning the pump, cleaning the...
Published on Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Winter in Iowa is on its way! As you prepare for the shorter days ahead, it's important to think about your family's safety as they walk around your property in the dark. Aside from consistent snow removal and salting your driveway, walkways, and entryways, it is important to make sure that these high-traffic areas are always lit up after the sun goes down.
Having the right landscape lighting is crucial for the winter season to help prevent tripping or slipping. Professional ...
Published on Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Encourage healthy growth in the spring and summer by pruning in the winter.
Pruning does more than just make your landscaping look neat and trimmed. It actually helps the long-term health of your plants. Shrubs that are left to grow without pruning can develop disease and pest infestations, and plants can simply outgrow their space.
Depending on the types of plants on your property, you may need spring pruning, winter pruning, or both. Let’s look at a few common shrubs and plants...
Published on Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Protect your Des Moines area property with winter lawn care services.
Winter is coming, and even though the grass has finally slowed down, your lawn could still use a little pre-winter care. Winterizing your lawn, especially in central Iowa where winter is hard on us, is especially important to create a thriving lawn when spring arrives.
Learn about the types of winterizing services that will keep your lawn in top shape and how to best prepare for the snowy season.
Leaf cleanup does...