Weed Control Installation in the Des Moines, West Des Moines, & Ankeny, IA Area | A+ Lawn & Landscape

Professional weed control services are available for your residential or commercial property in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, and other areas in Central Iowa

Six rounds of weed control treatments are applied through a combination of pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides.

Weeds in the landscape bed of this Des Moines property have been eradicated.

While weeds will never permanently be gone from your yard, professional lawn and landscaping companies can certainly provide services and tips for keeping your lawn virtually weed free. At A+ Lawn & Landscape, we offer routine weed control services right alongside our fertilization applications.

Utilizing a combination of pre-emergent and post-emergent weed herbicides, we can prevent weeds from crowding out the healthy grass on your lawn. We work from spring through fall providing six rounds of weed control applications for residential and commercial properties around the communities of Des Moines, West Des Moines, and Ankeny, IA.

Two Categories of Weeds Found in Central Iowa

Weeds invade both lawns and landscaping when they are not properly cared for. The types of weeds that tend to grow in the Des Moines, West Des Moines, and Ankeny areas of Central Iowa can be separated into two categories: annual grassy weeds and perennial grasses/broadleaf weeds.

Annual Grassy Weeds

Annual weeds produce seed and die within one season. If you do not treat for them, however, they will return the following season. Grassy weeds tend to germinate in the spring when soil temperatures are between 55-60°F. Some examples of grassy weeds include crabgrass, goosegrass, and bluegrass.

Grassy weeds can be found on lawns that are compacted, overwatered, or mowed too low.

Perennial Grasses & Broadleaf Weeds

Perennial grasses, such as Bermuda grass and dallisgrass tend to crowd into lawns that are mowed too low, overwatered, compacted, or exposed to excessive sun and heat.

Broadleaf weeds, such as spurge grass, and knotweed thrive on lawns that are depleted of nitrogen and have compacted soil.

In Central Iowa, some of the most common weeds you will find growing in your lawn include Broadleaf Plantain, Dandelion, White Clover, and Creeping Charlie.

Details About the Routine of Our Weed Control Treatments

Property owners, like this one in West Des Moines, can eradicate the weeds in their lawn with the weed control services from A+ Lawn & Landscape.

Our weed control treatments are spread out between spring and fall, starting in mid-March and going through early December, with additional spot treatments offered on an as-needed basis.

Pre-emergent weed control is used during early spring to tackle crabgrass before it has a chance to germinate.

Throughout the rest of the year, we protect your lawn with post-emergent weed control. This attacks weeds that have already germinated. A combination of both types of weed control is essential for covering all of the types of weeds that could invade your lawn.

Our weed control program also includes fertilizer treatments, preventative fungicides, and preventative grub control.

Preventing Weeds by Avoiding Practices That Negatively Affect Your Lawn

The best way of preventing weeds from crowding out your plants and grass is to maintain good lawn care practices and avoid what negatively affects your lawn. Weeds will continue sprouting if your lawn is:

  • Improperly fertilized
  • Mowed to the wrong height
  • Overwatered or under watered

Call our professionals to eradicate the weeds in the lawn of your Central Iowa home or business.

At A+ Lawn & Landscape, we are here to protect your lawn and keep weeds from overcrowding your beautiful property. Customers can take advantage of all the lawn care needs they need directly from us!

For homes and businesses near Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, and other nearby communities of Central IA, our professionals are ready to turn your property around! Call us at (515) 777-7846 to start eradicating those pesky weeds today!

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Contact Info For A+ Lawn & Landscape, (515) 777-7846