Here in Des Moines, IA winter means months of freezing temperatures. If you own a property that features an outdoor fountain, this is when your fountain will be most vulnerable as exposing outdoor fountains to freezing temperatures can result in damage and costly repairs.

However, you can prevent freezing weather from damaging your outdoor fountain by winterizing it ahead of time. Outdoor fountain winterization consists of draining your fountain, cleaning the pump, cleaning the fountain's interior, and covering your fountain.

Drain Your Outdoor Fountain

If you fail to drain your outdoor fountain before winter, any remaining water could freeze and crack the tubing, pump, pipes, or even the fountain itself. Draining outdoor fountains involves a multi-step process that often entails some disassembly.

If your fountain includes a drain plug, you'll want to remove it first. If there's no plug, you can use a wet shop vac or small bucket to remove the water from your fountain. Also, you’ll want to drain any pipes or tubing to remove any water to avoid having that water freeze.

Clean and Flush the Fountain Pump

Over time your outdoor fountain pump will accumulate algae, plant buildup, and other debris. If left intact, the dirt will gradually impact your fountain's performance as it's sensitive to even the most minor impurities. So, this is what you'll be cleaning out of the pump in this step.

Cleaning the pump requires removing and soaking it in water and vinegar. Afterward, you can flush out the tubes connected to the pump before rinsing it with clean water. Lastly, you can use a cloth to dry the pump before storing it somewhere where it can't freeze for the winter.

Clean the Interior of the Fountain

If there are leaves, twigs, or other debris inside your fountain, they can stain your interior when the temperature drops. So, you'll want to remove these items first. Like the pump, your fountain interior likely has additional buildup on it. That's why it's necessary to clean the fountain.

If your fountain has an exterior basin, you can clean it with a water and vinegar solution. Once done, you'll want to rinse it with fresh water and dry it with a towel to remove all traces of moisture.

The cleaning phase is also a good time to inspect your fountain to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

Cover the Outdoor Fountain

The main benefit of covering your outdoor fountain before winter arrives is that it prevents water from accumulating and freezing in it, which can damage the structure and appearance of your fountain. The fountain may also become clogged with debris if left uncovered.

Many fountains are porous. This means that if it snows during the winter, your fountain could absorb water and crack when the temperatures drop. You can protect your fountain from damage by covering it with a waterproof tarp or cover.

Protect your outdoor fountain from winter damage. Call us today!

Outdoor fountain with flowing water in West Des Moines, Iowa.

Winter is just around the corner, and this happens to be when many outdoor fountains are susceptible to damage due to freezing temperatures. But winter need not spell trouble for your outdoor fountain. A+ Lawn & Landscape is here to help ensure your fountain stays beautiful and well-maintained year-round. We have a long history of protecting fountains from winter damage that goes back to 1988.

If you own commercial or residential property in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, or nearby in Iowa, we can help. Let us protect your property with our fountain and water treatment service. Call us today at (515) 289-2020 for a quote, but please don't put it off as there are only a few weeks before freezing temperatures arrive.