Published on Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Two of the most important practices you should perform when caring for your plants are trimming and pruning. But how often should your plants be trimmed and pruned? In Iowa, there are a lot of plants that grow at different rates. That means each plant requires a different approach to ensure they are well maintained throughout the entire year. Trimming them is like cutting their hair, and so you should aim to trim them when they start to look messy and unkempt. Pruning, however, is performed for ...
Published on Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Encourage healthy growth in the spring and summer by pruning in the winter.
Pruning does more than just make your landscaping look neat and trimmed. It actually helps the long-term health of your plants. Shrubs that are left to grow without pruning can develop disease and pest infestations, and plants can simply outgrow their space.
Depending on the types of plants on your property, you may need spring pruning, winter pruning, or both. Let’s look at a few common shrubs and plants...
Published on Tuesday, April 23, 2019

For the untrained landscaper, simple mistakes can be made when maintaining your current landscaping aesthetic. Most mistakes can be found in the way plants are cared for on your property, your ground covering for your landscaping beds, and irregular fertilization and weed control.
Unfortunately, many homeowners are unaware of the proper techniques used to maintain a healthy and thriving yard. Avoid making these mistakes when you are caring for your landscaping or consider hiring a...