Published on Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ticks are harmful pests that no one wants to find on their property. To mitigate ticks in your lawn this season, you'll want to take certain steps. First, regularly mow your lawn to keep it short, as ticks in Iowa tend to hide in tall grass and wait on the top of blades to latch onto passing hosts. Second, maintain a clean yard by removing leaf piles, sticks, and other debris where ticks could hide from the elements and predators. While these steps are beneficial, the most...
Published on Sunday, July 23, 2023

Ants are a common problem that many property owners in Iowa have to deal with. They can enter your home through cracks and crevices, and once inside, they can make it their mission to search for food and invade your personal space. Many people panic when they see ants inside their homes, but there is no need to worry because there are things you can do to deal with them! First, you should find out what is attracting the ants to your home so you can clean up any messes or spills...
Published on Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Flea and tick season has arrived in Des Moines, Iowa! That means it's time to be on the lookout for them when you're in your yard. Fleas and ticks tend to prefer the warmer weather, which means you'll find that they're most active from the spring through the summer. To protect your property from fleas and ticks, you'll need to apply multiple treatments every five to six weeks throughout the flea and tick season. However, this can be difficult to remember, especially when...
Published on Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Have you walked out onto your lawn and noticed a lot of mosquitoes buzzing around your property? That means mosquito season has kicked off in Iowa, which is your cue to invest in mosquito control treatments. While you may be considering trying to take care of your mosquito problem yourself, it's much more effective to hire a professional pest control company instead. For one, professionals will know what areas to target and have the right tools and products to keep mosquitos off...
Published on Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Moles and voles are two common lawn pests that can be found here in Iowa. Though their names are similar, they are actually quite different. Moles are small mammals with large claws that will burrow under your lawn to hunt for grubs and other insects underground. As they search for food, they'll end up damaging the root system of your turf. Voles, on the other hand, are small rodents that create shallow runways on your lawn as they feed on the roots of your grass and plants....
Published on Wednesday, June 22, 2022

With warmer weather on the horizon as June approaches, and as many property owners here in Iowa have discovered the hard way, you need to be on the lookout for a chinch bug infestation. These lawn insects can infest your lawn, settling on blades of grass and sucking fluid from them until they wilt. When you notice these signs, you should call a professional immediately so they can kick the chinch bugs to the curb with a curative treatment, saving your lawn from future damage!...
Published on Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Water features are a great addition to your lawn as it brings tranquility and provides a quiet and meditative space for you. However, it also attracts mosquitoes and other bugs that may distract you from an otherwise calming space. Most bugs are attracted to water features that hold shallow, stagnant water. These bugs are not only a nuisance, but they also sometimes carry diseases that may harm you and your pets.
Ensuring your water features are bug-free is important and easier than you...
Published on Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Your yard can be home to stunning landscape details like plants and water features, but it could also be home to pesky pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. These pests can migrate to your property and carry harmful diseases that can affect you and your loved ones. Keeping these bothersome pests away from your property is vital.
Routine pest control, yard cleanups, and natural, bug-repellant plants are some of the ways you can ensure your property is a safe and enjoyable environment for...
Published on Thursday, July 01, 2021

There are many insects and pests that can invade and cause damage to your lawn all throughout the year. While some will only cause minimal aesthetic damage, others may be carrying diseases that are harmful to pets and humans. That is why it is so important to be informed of the different bugs and insects that could be nestling into your lawn and what damage they might cause. This will help you take the right steps toward curative treatments.
Here are the 7 most common insects that may be...
Published on Tuesday, June 01, 2021

You have already invested time and resources this year to make your yard pleasing to the eye. Why should you let
Japanese beetles, one of the most common summer pests, destroy your beautiful landscape? The short answer: You
Japanese beetles begin to infiltrate your lawn as larvae (also known as grubs) before shifting their attention to
your plants, shrubs, and trees as full-grown bugs. By using a combination of preventative and curative beetle control
treatments in ...