Published on Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Snow mold is a frustrating sight to see when the snow melts away in the spring. It's important to know exactly what snow mold is and how to deal with this lawn disease should you find it on your lawn in Iowa. There are two types of snow mold: gray snow mold and pink snow mold. Both are caused by fungi that become active when snow covers your lawn. Snow mold typically causes discolored and matted grass that appears in patchy circles. The good news is that snow mold can be prevented! ...
Published on Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Summer patch is a lawn disease that is commonly found in Iowa and it can cause severe damage to any lawn
that it infects. This disease usually affects lawns in the summer during extended periods of high temperatures. It
typically creates rings and patches of discolored and dead grass, and it can spread rather quickly if not treated in
a timely manner. If you think your lawn is infected with summer patch, you'll want to schedule a curative
treatment right away to ...
Published on Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Property owners in the Des Moines, IA area should be aware of snow mold. This is a type of lawn disease
caused by cold-weather fungus. Snow mold can affect all types of cool-season grass, which are
common on lawns in our area. There are two types of snow mold that could affect your grass: pink snow mold and gray
snow mold.
These two turf diseases are similar but differ in appearance and the ways they damage your grass. The effects of snow
mold are amplified by ...
Published on Monday, August 22, 2022

Lawn diseases are an ever-prevalent threat here in Des Moines, IA, that you need to be on the lookout for throughout the year. Many of these diseases may only seem to affect small areas at first, but if left to their own devices, they threaten your entire lawn's health as they continue to spread. Some of the common diseases to look out for in Des Moines throughout the year are summer patch, brown patch, snow mold, necrotic ring spot, and Ascochyta leaf blight. By knowing how to identify...
Published on Thursday, August 18, 2022

Necrotic ring spot, also known as frog eye because of the unique pattern it creates on your lawn, is a harmful lawn disease that affects the cool-season grasses in Iowa during the fall season. This disease appears as circular rings of dead grass and attacks the roots of your lawn, making it particularly destructive, and if it's on your lawn, you should treat it immediately. However, the symptoms could look similar to drought or other diseases, so you should hire a professional to...
Published on Wednesday, August 03, 2022

If you notice any signs of a lawn disease on your turf, it's understandable to want to try and treat it yourself. Well, we're here to tell you that you should call the pros instead! There are many types of lawn diseases that can affect lawns in Iowa, and knowing which one is afflicting your turf can be difficult. Many of these diseases share the same symptoms, so leave it to a professional's trained eye to identify the problem for you instead. A professional lawn care...
Published on Monday, May 30, 2022

In Iowa, Ascochyta leaf blight is an unfortunate threat that our lawns may have to face. Ascochyta leaf blight is a fungal disease that begins presenting around early June, turning areas of turf straw-colored as it spreads and kills grass. The best preparation for this disease is preventative treatments that will give your lawn a leg up against the fungus as well as professional lawn care to bolster your turf's defenses. If you begin to notice signs of Ascochyta leaf blight amongst ...
Published on Wednesday, May 11, 2022

In Iowa, we tend to see leaf spot lawn disease in late spring or early summer in our turf. Leaf spot disease often presents similarly to symptoms of drought, with brown or black spots covering the grass blades of your lawn. If your lawn is struggling with leaf spot instead of drought, watering your lawn could exacerbate the issue. Instead, contact a professional to assess your lawn before you accidentally make conditions worse! Lawn care professionals will be able to administer...
Published on Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Brown patch is a fungal disease that commonly affects lawns here in Iowa. As the name suggests, this disease is characterized by the large, brown patches it leaves on your lawn. However, these brown spots can also indicate that your lawn is dehydrated. To figure out which issue your lawn is suffering from, you should first consider your watering schedule and check if you are watering your lawn correctly. Next, you should take a closer look at the brown spots on your lawn to see if they ...
Published on Sunday, February 13, 2022

Snow mold is a yearly struggle here in Iowa, and it can cause damage to even the healthiest of lawns. When the snow melts and you're left with gray-colored spots on the lawn, don't fret – there are things you can do to help your lawn bounce back. You'll need to rake the affected areas to loosen any matted grass and help the lawn dry out. Then, remove any remaining debris on your lawn so your grass can breathe again! However, the best treatment for snow mold will come from...