Published on Monday, December 04, 2023

Your irrigation system is vital for keeping your lawn and landscape well-watered throughout the year, so you will want to ensure it stays in good condition. Part of that means winterizing it. Winterization is a process that involves shutting down your irrigation system and blowing out any remaining water to prepare it for freezing temperatures during the winter, and it's best to do it at least one week before the first frost so that it's not susceptible to damage. In Iowa, you should...
Published on Monday, December 04, 2023

If you have a drip irrigation system on your property in Iowa, it is important to know that it needs to be winterized to prepare it for the winter season. After all, any water left over in the lines can freeze, causing them to crack and burst and leading to costly repairs come spring. Winterization involves shutting off the main water supply, blowing out any remaining water using compressed air, and turning off the backflow. To ensure this process gets done right, you should always...
Published on Monday, October 17, 2022

Because of the cold weather Iowa experiences during the winter season, you'll need to winterize your system so that it can safely make it through the winter. You should always hire a professional to winterize your irrigation system. If you try to winterize your irrigation system yourself, you could miss a step and your system could end up being damaged during the winter. Irrigation winterization professionals will be able to catch any other problems that might be present with your...
Published on Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Here in Des Moines, IA winter means months of freezing temperatures. If you own a property that features an outdoor fountain, this is when your fountain will be most vulnerable as exposing outdoor fountains to freezing temperatures can result in damage and costly repairs.
However, you can prevent freezing weather from damaging your outdoor fountain by winterizing it ahead of time. Outdoor fountain winterization consists of draining your fountain, cleaning the pump, cleaning the...