Lawn & Landscape Blog | A+ Lawn & Landscape
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Keep Your Eyes Out for Vole Activity in Your Garden in Early Spring

Keep Your Eyes Out for Vole Activity in Your Garden in Early Spring

Voles are little rodents that can damage your garden by eating your grass and plants here in Iowa. They look like mice with their brown fur, big ears, and little black eyes. While they’re active all year, you’ll find them most often in the early spring. They don’t hibernate in the winter, so they come out in the spring looking for sources of food. Signs that voles have been on your property include dying turf, gnaw marks on tree bark, and little tunnel systems with...
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Moles vs Voles - Which Critter Is Destroying Your Lawn?

Moles vs Voles - Which Critter Is Destroying Your Lawn?

Moles and voles are two common lawn pests that can be found here in Iowa. Though their names are similar, they are actually quite different. Moles are small mammals with large claws that will burrow under your lawn to hunt for grubs and other insects underground. As they search for food, they'll end up damaging the root system of your turf. Voles, on the other hand, are small rodents that create shallow runways on your lawn as they feed on the roots of your grass and plants....
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