We will keep your trees and shrubs in perfect shape with our fertilization service.
Fertilization isn't only for your lawn; regularly fertilizing your trees and shrubs can help to keep them strong, healthy, and beautiful, just like your grass. At A+ Lawn & Landscape, we offer a tree and shrub fertilization program designed to get your trees and shrubs in perfect shape. We provide this service to property owners in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, and nearby cities in Iowa. When you sign up for our tree and shrub fertilization program, our team will visit your property 11 times throughout the year to perform various care treatments for your plants, including fertilizer, plant disease control, and insect control. Our fertilization process includes applying the fertilizer to the roots of your trees and shrubs. The fertilizer we use contains the perfect combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Our tree and shrub care program includes an extensive schedule of plant care throughout the year, starting in March or April and going through November. This way, your plants are protected throughout the changing seasons.
Our tree and shrub care program includes fertilizer, insect control, plant disease control, and more.
At A+ Lawn & Landscape, we use root injections to fertilize your trees and shrubs; this is done by injecting liquid fertilizer directly into the roots of your trees and shrubs. Using this method to apply fertilizer allows those nutrients to be absorbed faster and into every part of the plant. Applying fertilizer through root injections also ensures that we are applying the exact dosage that your tree or shrub needs. This is crucial because too much fertilizer can cause damage to your plants and too little fertilizer won't do the job.
The fertilizer we use for your trees and shrubs is specially formulated to provide the perfect amount of vital nutrients for these plants. Our tree and shrub fertilizer contains: