We can fill your property with new grass via our drill seeding service!
If you want to improve your lawn for the better, look no further than our drill seeding service. This service is designed to fill your property with new grass, so you can enjoy a lush, beautiful turf. When you schedule this service, we will follow a thorough process that involves aerating your lawn before planting seeds across your property using our seed drill. We use a blend of ryegrass and bluegrass seeds for this service because these cool-season grass types thrive in our area of Iowa. What's more, we will apply a starter fertilizer to your property after we've planted the seeds to help them establish and provide them with everything they need to grow healthy, verdant grass.
We offer our professional drill seeding service to properties in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, and other nearby areas in Iowa. If you're ready to see what a difference our drill seeding service will make for your property, call us today at (515) 289-2020 to sign up!
You can trust that we follow a proven process when performing our drill seeding service to ensure it yields exceptional results. First, we will aerate your lawn to alleviate compacted soil and create channels through which nutrients, sunlight, water, and air can reach the roots of your grass. Then, we will utilize our top-of-the-line machine to spread grass seeds across your turf. This is essential because it ensures even distribution, and we'll make sure we reach every part of your property. By drill seeding after we've aerated your lawn, the seeds will be able to fall into the holes that were created during the aeration process, giving the seeds excellent seed-to-soil contact and increasing the chances of the seeds germinating successfully.
When it comes to the types of seeds we use for our drill seeding service, we use a premium blend of bluegrass and ryegrass. We use these types of seeds because they are cool-season grass types that thrive in our area of Iowa. What's more, these seeds have excellent drought tolerance, meaning they can thrive even during periods of little rainfall!
We are proud members of the National Association of Landscape Professionals!
While planting seeds is necessary for growing a new lawn, it doesn't always guarantee success. That's why we take extra steps to provide your seeds with everything they need to flourish. That's why we apply a premium starter fertilizer across your property after planting seeds on your lawn. The nutrient-rich fertilizer will nourish your seeds and promote vigorous grass growth, giving them a much better chance of establishing successfully. Before long, your entire lawn will be full of lush, emerald grass!
Are you looking to get a beautiful new lawn? If so, we're here to help! Our team at A+ Lawn & Landscape offers our professional drill seeding service to property owners in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, IA, and throughout the surrounding areas. We have been providing our services since 1988, so you can count on us to get the job done right. Call us today at (515) 289-2020 to schedule our drill seeding service! We look forward to hearing from you soon!