Fertilizer is full of essential nutrients for your grass, the main ones being nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. While all 3 of these nutrients are very important to keep a healthy lawn, nitrogen is most important in the spring. After our cold, snowy winters in Iowa, your grass looks to nitrogen to help it recover and bounce back from winter dormancy. Nitrogen plays a huge role in photosynthesis and plant protein production, thus promoting the growth of denser, fuller, and greener grass. That is why it is so important to make sure that your spring fertilizer treatment contains enough nitrogen!

What is the role of nitrogen in fertilizer?

Healthy and vibrant grass blades from fertilizer nutrients in Des Moines, IA.

Many professionals consider nitrogen the most important part of any fertilizer because it's essential for making your grass grow strong, healthy, and bright. Nitrogen helps produce chlorophyll, which the plant uses in photosynthesis to make food for itself. Chlorophyll also gives grass its rich, green color, so having enough of it will make your lawn bright and vibrant! Nitrogen also helps plants manufacture proteins, which is how grass gets its structure. Nitrogen is super vital to making your grass strong and green!

A common sign you might see on a lawn without enough nitrogen includes thin and yellow grass blades. This indicates that your grass is weak, which means it's also susceptible to issues like heat stress and lawn diseases. Supplying your lawn with enough nitrogen will ensure it is strong enough to fight off stressors!

It's possible to have too much of a good thing - always consult a lawn care professional when adding nitrogen to your lawn to avoid causing any damage.

Why is it so important to have nitrogen in your spring fertilizer treatment?

When the winter rolls around, your lawn will go dormant in the colder temperatures, and it will need assistance bouncing back in the spring. Fertilizers use nitrogen to help your lawn emerge from winter dormancy. Nitrogen promotes the growth of thicker, denser blades of grass, so your lawn will gain strength and fullness in preparation for the summer months. Winter dormancy will also leave your grass brown or discolored. Fertilizer treatments with nitrogen promote the growth of greener grass, so your lawn will recover from winter dormancy brighter and more vibrant.

Phosphorus and potassium are also key ingredients in spring fertilizers!

Sunray peaking over lawn in Ankeny, IA.

Phosphorus and potassium are also essential parts of fertilizers that help your plants bounce back from winter dormancy and prepare for warmer weather. Phosphorus promotes root growth and seed development, so it's an important nutrient to add to your lawn if you are overseeding in the spring. Phosphorus also helps transfer energy in the grass, which helps nitrogen improve its growth. Root development and energy transfer will help your lawn strengthen over the spring season.

Potassium's primary function is to strengthen the grass against drought, disease, and negative effects from heat or cold. Without potassium, your lawn may be subject to dryness, lawn disease, and more. Using enough potassium in your fertilizer will help your lawn bounce back from anything that damaged the lawn in the winter and keep it healthy and strong for the spring.

Make sure your lawn gets all the nitrogen it needs this spring. Call us to set up your spring fertilization plan!

Here at A+ Lawn & Landscape, we know how important it is to keep your lawn looking beautiful and vibrant, especially after the harsh winter months. Our fertilization service will get your lawn on the right track with essential nutrients like nitrogen to make sure it's strong and bright this spring.

We service commercial and residential properties in Des Moines and surrounding areas in Iowa, such as West Des Moines and Ankeny. Call us at (515) 289-2020 today to get started on your spring fertilization treatments!