Lawn diseases are an ever-prevalent threat here in Des Moines, IA, that you need to be on the lookout for throughout the year. Many of these diseases may only seem to affect small areas at first, but if left to their own devices, they threaten your entire lawn's health as they continue to spread. Some of the common diseases to look out for in Des Moines throughout the year are summer patch, brown patch, snow mold, necrotic ring spot, and Ascochyta leaf blight. By knowing how to identify these diseases and what you can do to treat them, you can keep your lawn in protected year-round!

1. Summer Patch

Summer patch lawn disease in client's property in Granger, IA.

Summer patch presents itself through circular patches or rings that are forming throughout your lawn. Usually, you won't see evidence of summer patch until mid-summer, even though the fungal disease starts attacking your grass once soil temperatures reach at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically, these patches will range from 6 inches to 3 feet in diameter, and the grass inside these patches will be yellow or straw brown before eventually collapsing. When you pull your turf from the ground, you'll notice that the roots have turned black and rotten. You can schedule curative treatments to help with summer patch, but treatments are most effective when applied on a preventative basis.

2. Brown Patch

Brown patch lawn disease found in client's lawn in Pleasant Hill, IA.

The symptoms of brown patch can vary depending on the type of grass you have and your soil conditions. You'll typically notice thinned, circular patches of brown grass scattered across your lawn. Eventually, the turf in the center will recover, leading to a ring-shaped pattern of dead grass. Symptoms of brown patch start popping up in late spring and persist through the summer because brown patch is most severe during extended periods of hot, humid weather. Both curative and preventative measures have proven to be effective at brown patch control. However, curative treatments may not be as effective during periods of hot weather. For the best results, schedule preventative treatments in late spring or early summer.

3. Snow Mold

Snow mold found in client's lawn in Des Moines, IA.

Snow mold is a fungal disease that damages or kills your turf after the snow melts in late winter. Snow mold can either be pink or grey, and the patches can range from 3 to 24 inches in diameter. There aren't any curative treatments for snow mold, so you'll need to schedule a preventative treatment in late November, before the first snowfall.

4. Necrotic Ring Spot

Necrotic ring spot lawn disease in property in Windsor Heights, IA.

Necrotic ring spot is caused by a root-infecting fungus that appears during the cool, wet weather found in either spring or fall, but these symptoms can also intensify during periods of summer stress. You'll first notice small patches of light green or straw-colored grass spring up on your lawn, ranging from 6 inches to 1 foot in diameter. As the disease progresses, the turf in the center of the patch will begin to recover while the outer ring will remain dead, giving this disease its distinct "frog-eye" look. You can get ahead of necrotic ring spot by scheduling preventative treatments in the spring, but curative treatments are also very effective.

5. Ascochyta Leaf Blight

Leaf blight lawn disease in Altoona, IA.

Ascochyta leaf blight may develop throughout the growing season but will be more common during hot, drought periods that precede cool, rainy conditions. Large irregular patches of turf rapidly turn a straw color and appear dead. Grass infected with Ascochyta leaf blight will have bleached leaf tips that resemble heat or drought stress. Both preventative and curative treatments can help combat Ascochyta leaf blight. However, since the appearance of this disease is sporadic, you'll need to ensure your property remains protected with repeated treatments!

Lawn care services like fertilization and aeration can strengthen your lawn to help combat diseases like Ascochyta leaf blight.

Call us today to schedule one of our lawn disease treatments!

At A+ Lawn & Landscape, we've got you covered with our many lawn disease treatments. We treat diseases such as summer patch, brown patch, snow mold, necrotic ring spot, and Ascochyta leaf blight. We service commercial and residential properties in the Des Moines, IA area, including nearby areas like West Des Moines and Ankeny. Call us today at (515) 289-2020 to schedule one of our lawn disease treatments!